Payment methods

Currently we offer the following methods of payment:

If you have decided on the payment "in advance", you will get from us, after give up your order, a confirmation e-mail with the bank account, the exact sum, and the intended purpose (reference). As soon as your payment on our account has come, your desired order on the same day (working day) will be shipped immediately.

When paying from abroad is important to note that the buyer has to pay any bank fees for international transfers.

For bank transfers between EU countries, including Norway, an EU-Standard Transfer be made for no additional fee will be charged. Use a EU-Standard Transfer with the IBAN and SWIFT/BIC.

Payment via PayPal (Credit Card) (Transaction charge: 0,99 EUR)
PayPal lets you send payments quickly and securely online using a credit card or bank account. If you've decided on the payment method "PayPal", you will after your order up on the website of the payment service provider PayPal forwarded. There you login with your PayPal-access data and confirm the payment to After successful payment you will receive an automated confirmation e-mail from PayPal and your desired order will be shipped on the same day (working day) immediately.

The right direct debit (After 5 orders)
This method of payment is acceptable only within Germany. You grant us the direct debit of your Bank account, then we will book the amount of the sum for payment for the goods.

Purchase on account (After 5 orders)
This method of payment is acceptable only within Germany. In this case, we will issue an invoice where the total sum for the goods and the shipping is listed. The time limit is mentioned, in which you are obliged to pay for the goods.

Business clients, companys, firms, public institutions, authorities, churches and clubs can on request (assuming adequate credit rating) order from us immediately purchase on account. Call us or write us a short e-mail.