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Zolotoy fond otechestvennogo kino. Odnazhdy v Sibiri: Sibiriada (Film 1-2); Dauriya; Khmel (4 DVD)
Krupnyy plan -
Tchaikovsky (Chajkovskij) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD) (NTSC)
€24,99Collektion: History
Distributor: RUSCICO
Crime and Punishment (Fr.: Crime et châtiment) (Prestuplenie i nakazanie) (RUSCICO) (3 DVD Box Set) (NTSC)
€24,99Distributor: RUSCICO
Collection: Original Story by
Gorky Film Studio
The Master and Margarita (Master i Margarita) (2 DVD)
€19,99Tsentral Partnership
Khudozhestvennyy teleserial -
The Secret Agent’s Destiny (Fr.: Le Destin du résident) (Sudba rezidenta) (RUSCICO)
Kinostudiya Im. M. Gorkogo
Black-white -
The Secret Agent's Blunder (The Resident's Mistake) (Fr.: L'Erreur du résident) (Oshibka rezidenta) (RUSCICO)
Kinostudiya Im. M. Gorkogo -
The End of Operation "Secret Agent" (Fr.: Fin de l’opération « Résident ») (Konets operatsii "Rezident") (RUSCICO)
€12,99Kinostudiya Im. M. Gorkogo
The Secret Agent’s Return (Fr.: Le Retour de l’agent secret) (Vozvrashchenie rezidenta) (RUSCICO)
€12,99Kinostudiya Im. M. Gorkogo
Seventeen Moments of Spring (Fr.: Dix-sept moments du printemps) (Semnadtsat mgnoveniy vesny) (6 DVD) (RUSCICO)
Gorky Film Studio
Gosteleradio USSR
Pirates of the 20Th century (Piraty XX veka) (RUSCICO)
€14,99Collection: Director
Gorky Film Studio