Carnival (Karnaval) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Maksim Dunaevskij
Script: Anna Rodionova
Camera: Petr Kataev
The most titled lady of national film directing, Tatiana Lioznova (“Three Poplars at Plyushchikha”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”), first tried her hand at the genre of musical film show (the synthesis of circus, variety, drama and musical). As a result, the film made the top ten list of most popular films in 1982. In a large part, the film owed its success to the casting of the nationally popular Irina Muravyova (“Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”) in the lead. Especially for that role, the actress lost weight, learned to roller-skate, and delivered a lively, enjoyable and brilliant performance as a funny, yet determined “girl with a character”. With this role, Muravyova had secured the reputation of the best actress of Soviet cinema of the early 1980s.
A star-studded acting ensemble (Alexander Abdulov, Yuri Yakovlev, Klara Luchko), songs to music by Maxim Dunayevsky and performed by Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya (including the famous “Call Me, Call Me…”), spectacular dance numbers of the “Rhythms of the Planet” ensemble.
Behind-the-scenes: * The bear on roller skates, appearing in the film, is still alive. The 35-year-old she-bear Fontanka is performing in the circus. Though she doesn’t do complicated stunts anymore, she still participates in a bear orchestra.
* 1981 box-office leader – over 30 million viewers
DVD Features:
* Interview with actress I. Muravyova
* Filmographies
* Photo Album
Naivnaya devchonka iz provintsialnogo gorodka mechtaet stat artistkoj i edet v Moskvu postupat v teatralnyj. Ekzameny provalivaet, no zato vstrechaet novyh druzej i bolshuyu lyubov…
Samaya titulovannaya ledi otechestvennoj rezhissury Tatyana Lioznova («Tri topolya na Plyuschihe», «Semnadtsat mgnovenij vesny») vpervye obratilas k zhanru muzykalnogo filma-shou (sintez tsirka, estrady, dramy, myuzikla). V rezultate film voshel v desyatku samyh populyarnyh filmov 1982 g. Predopredelilo udachu filma priglashenie na glavnuyu rol vsenarodnoj lyubimitsy Iriny Muravevoj («Moskva slezam ne verit»). Spetsialno dlya etoj roli aktrisa pohudela, vstala na rolikovye konki, i sdelala vse veselo, zadorno i blistatelno, sygrav smeshnuyu, no tseleustremlennuyu «devushku s harakterom». Etoj rolyu Muraveva zakrepila za soboj reputatsiyu luchshej aktrisy sovetskogo kino nachala 80-h.
Zvezdnyj akterskij ansambl (Aleksandr Abdulov, YUrij YAkovlev, Klara Luchko), pesni na muzyku Maksima Dunaevskogo v ispolnenii ZHanny Rozhdestvenskoj (v tom chisle i znamenitaya «Pozvoni mne, pozvoni…»), blestyaschie tantsevalnye nomera v ispolnenii ansamblya «Ritmy planety»!
Za kadrom: * Medved na rolikah, snimavshijsya v filme, zhiv do sih por. 35-letnyaya medveditsa Fontanka vyhodit na arenu tsirka. Pravda, uzhe ne vypolnyaet slozhnyh tryukov, a uchastvuet v medvezhem orkestre.
* Lider prokata 1981 goda – bolee 30 mln. zritelej
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
* Intervyu s aktrisoj I. Muravevoj
* Filmografii
* Fotoalbom
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777008995 |
204000015715 |
Release Date |
1981 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
2 hours 25 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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